Orkut - the social network revolution

Call it a new virus; call it an obsession but the orkut fever is growing like wild fire.
I was introduced to it briefly in 2004, found it interesting back then and now am totally hooked to it. It still amazes me how Google comes up with such good products each and every time. I am sure that like any other obsession this too would die out in a while but am giving it all the attention I can and it’s hogging all the lime light.
The best thing I liked about orkut is that its very user friendly. I do agree there are other socializing networks in the market that are equally good, but the fact that it’s a Google product makes me biased towards it.
Yes! I am a big fan of Google and like the fact that they keep enhancing their products and coming up with more featured time and again in each of their product.
The same thing holds true with orkut too, it has instant scrap reply feature, friends map feature, mutual friend’s lists and the list goes on and on.

Created by Orkut Büyükkökten an employee of Google Inc. (it’s named after him), it started as one more of the then existing social network service like Friendster and MySpace.
If you want to get an estimate of the popularity of the site let me throw some figures at you. Launched in Jan 2004 by the end of July 2004 it had surpassed 1,000,000 members and the latest figure obtained in December 6th 2006 stands at 35.2 million.
Of course every good creation has its own cons and so does orkut. To name a few, there are fake ids, hate groups and obscenity.
But hey, looking at the positive side of it, it has indeed swept the social networking circuit, and its here to stay.

So folks enjoy the biggest thing in e-social networking today and keep scrapping.