An Inconvenient Truth

It’s been a while since I have seen a movie that stays with me for over a week. The latest movie that shook me to the core, that had me all shaken up and that has exposed a very sad and true fact about the world around us is the movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’
An Oscar award wining movie, which shows the realities about planet earth in a very thoughtful manner.
Al Gore has come out as a brilliant thinker, showing great evidences to prove his statements, and above all it’s a pleasure to hear him speak. He is such a great orator that he’ll keep you engrossed till the end.
All thanks to my room-mate who ordered the movie from block buster (online), hadn’t heard about the movie till then, and now am promoting it to every one I know.
Just to give you a gist of what the movie is dealing with, here I go…
The amont of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing day by day and carbon-dioxide along with other gases warm the surface of the earth. Some of the side effects of this effect is that the Glaciers are melting, plants and animals are being forced from their habitat, and the number of severe storms and droughts is increasing. Some past realities are the series of hurricanes in Florida and the massive flooding in Mumbai.
He has shown some drastic differences in the way things look compared to a few years from today. Given below is a picture of the Kilimanjaro Mountain - in Africa.

It’s true that we in our life times will not experience a severe effect, expect for the fact that after 20 more year’s things might just look a bit different around us, but when we think of generations to come it give me an adrenile rush. It’s time we took the right step and do something to make the world a better place.
I seriously appreciate the efforts put in by Al Gore to awaken the people all around the world to this harsh fact. So lets join hands and put our right foot forward.
I would suggest each one of you to watch the movie and for some more details kindly visit
Have a good read and a great day!
Sounds Interesting Venky, will try and watch this movie!
sure thing swetha, i would say its a must watch
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