a long way to go...

it’s the eve of my 28th birthday and I was thinking what life has given to me till this point of time and what’s left to achieve
And one things for sure, that the chapters life presents to you comes in variety of flavors.
I was just having this conversation with my dad about how fast the days have rolled by. It was just yesterday when I was taking that shortcut to school, just yesterday when my secondary school results were announced and I decided to take that dreaded jari-mari route to my junior college eventually graduating to the best chapter in everyone’s life, the engineering college.
Those carefree days would certainly be cherished throughout my life. But when I take a step back in this fast paced life and glance an eye upon the juncture of life I am presently in, is when comes the facts.
There was a phase of life when my dependents column was empty and now is a phase when I have two prominent names in the list, that of my lovely parents.
There was a phase when my father used to discuss investment with his friends and now is a phase when I am fascinated by that word
There was a phase when I had my first crush and now is the time when I have to find my soul mate.
Life still remains the same with the little joys it presents each day but in this hectic cycle I have realized that this is the right time to tighten my boots and plan out the much coveted journey called 'Life'
I take a deep breath and feel satisfied that I have achieved quite a bit in these 28 years of mine, but I do realize that there is a long long way to go....
Nice one Venky....we surely need to stop, deliberate and cherish what life has bestowed on us and what future holds for us!
A very happy belated birthday....sorry i missed it this time :(
thanks a ton swetha ...
now that u have taken the big step in ur life i am sure you totally relate to this blog :)
A very belated happy birthday. All the best for the endeavors that you mentioned.
thanks a lot banjo for your wishes:)
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